How long have you been coming to MOI events?
I met Anne last fall and began my journey at that point. I have been pretty involved this year with MOI/Project Impact.
How did you get interested in meditation practice?
I attended an event here in Omaha that Deepak Chopra spoke at. From that moment I was interested in meditation and mindful practice.
What does your meditation practice look like?
While I would love to say that I have a routine that is the same every day that would be false. There are days I find time to sit for 10-20 minutes and other days I have 2 minutes before I get out of my car to begin the day. But each day I find some time to be present within myself.
Share a favorite quote, mantra, intention or saying that is currently guiding you in practice.
The more you are motivated by love the more fearless and free your actions will be. Dalai Lama
What is your definition of sangha?
Sangha to me feels like a collective of like-minded people on a journey together to end suffering.
Name a book on the dharma that you consider a must read.
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
What are you currently working with in your practice?
Staying with the present moment
What has mindfulness and/or mediation helped you with?
Mindfulness and meditation have helped me to become more present in every aspect of my life. I have found an inner love and acceptance that I didn’t know was possible.
Finally, what are some of your other interests outside of the dharma?
My family, friends, and community. I teach and practice yoga. I love to travel wherever and whenever I can. I like to volunteer and work with children.
Thank you, Tracy! We are so happy you are a part of MOI’s sangha!