How long have you been coming to MOI events?
Seven years.
How did you get interested in meditation practice?
I realized that even though my overall life situation was good, I felt “dis-ease”. I wanted to end my suffering.
Share a memory or feeling you have about MOI.
For me, MOI has consistently been a safe and welcoming place where I can associate with people who do not cause harm. All my interactions with MOI result in joy and peace.
What does your meditation practice look like?
Two hours each day since my first 10 day meditation retreat (S. N. Goenka) course in 2018. Three hours each day since I retired in July of 2020. My practice includes 45 minute to one hour meditation sessions with dharma friends on Zoom. The Zoom sessions have occurred five to six nights each week since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Share a favorite quote, mantra, intention or saying that is currently guiding you in practice.
An Auspicious Day
translated by Gil Fronsdal
from the Bhaddekaratta Sutta Middle Length Discourse 131
The Buddha said,
Don’t chase the past
Or long for the future.
The past is left behind;
The future is not yet reached.
Right where it is, have insight
Into whatever phenomena is present;
Not faltering and not agitated,
By knowing it one develops the mind.
Ardently do what should be done today –
who knows, death may come tomorrow.
There is no bargaining with Mortality
And his great army.
Whoever dwells thus ardent,
– active day and night –
Is, says the peaceful sage,
One who has an auspicious day.
What is your definition of sangha?
A group of people, on the dharma path, who come together for mutual encouragement and support, without causing harm to themselves or others.
Name a book on the dharma that you consider a must read.
Mindfulness in Plain English by Henepola Gunaratana
What are you currently working with in your practice?
Metta Practice
Tell us about one success story you have had on your dharma journey.
Maintaining a consistent daily practice.
Finally, what are some of your other interests outside of the dharma?
Travel – I haven’t done much lately because of the pandemic.
Thank you, George! We are so happy you are a part of MOI’s sangha!