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Katie Hupp
Katie Hupp came to Insight Meditation in 2012 as a student in a Basic Mindfulness course. She immediately recognized the far-reaching personal benefits and sought to introduce mindfulness into her work life. In 2014 and 2018, she facilitated staff workshops and follow-up exercises aimed at creating a culture of mindfulness in the Writing Centers at Metropolitan Community College. She has also attended various meditation classes and the 2017 Wisdom 2.0 conference, completed two courses in the online Mindful Schools curriculum, and spent a sabbatical studying mindfulness and deepening her own practice. She recently attended “Sitting in the Fire: Training to Teach Mindfulness in Prisons” at the San Quentin State Prison and begins the year-long Mindful Schools Certification program in June. The teachings of Jack Kornfield and Sharon Salzberg, especially, resonate with and inspire her. She feels grateful for the local mindfulness community and all that she continues to learn from them.